Saturday, February 18, 2017

Never and Always

February 13, 2017


So I'm not going to write much, just write simple. This week Satan tried to get us down with some things, but there is power in attitude.  

There are two things that stuck out to me this week out of what happened. In my personal studies I have been studying a Christlike attribute a week, and this week it was “virtue”. I studied a lot and then I felt like I needed to figure out what I had learned. I decided to make a split list of "I will never..." and "I will always..." in regards to virtue. It was powerful to clearly state my standards on the subject! I highly recommend doing this. I also recommend writing a few sentences as to why I desire to live like that. Once again, I highly recommend doing this! If you get the chance to do that list this week, let me know how it went!

The other thing is the importance of "real intent" when asking questions in prayers and specifically about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I always thought it meant sincerity but that is mentioned as a separate thing in Moroni 10:4-5. So that means it has to be something different! In a talk on Sunday it was defined as setting out clearly your intent of action once you receive the answer. For example, "if the Book of Mormon is true I will be true to its teachings and will strive to build the kingdom of God. If it is not true, I will search and work until I do find the truth." It’s kind of an interesting way to look at it, right? I love it! I connect with this because this is how my prayer was when I asked if I should serve a mission. I know that prayers are answered as we have faith in Jesus Christ, sincere hearts, and real intent.

I love you all! Freddy received the Aaronic priesthood yesterday and it was sooooo awesome! He has changed a ton. Also he was able to go to the Stephanie Nelson fireside last night and it was amazing. Go check out her blog if you haven't seen it already! Inspiring woman.

Elder Mackintosh

On top of a members roof


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