Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring Done Did Sprung :)


This week was so much warmer and it makes me sooooo happy! The cold is great, but warm weather is definitely preferred.

Something awesome that recently happened is that as we were walking to a baptism with an investigator, we walked to the train station and saw some hats that had been looking to buy so we stop to look at the prices. Our investigator ended up buying us each a hat and even bought himself one as well. jajaja! He is the coolest guy. These hats have been in style in NYC forever and they have been in style in Utah only if your name is Joe Clements but mark my words, everyone will be wearing them in Utah in the next couple of years.


So to be totally honest I had a rough couple of days this last week. I just felt mentally really down. It was frustrating to the point that I asked for a blessing. I have a testimony of priesthood blessings and personal prayers. After the blessing and a good personal prayer to end the day, I had a good nights rest and woke up feeling totally normal, happy, and ready for change! It really is amazing to me because I felt so down and was honestly in despair. What I love about life is that there is always a new day! Yes, crummy days (really just moments) do happen. But yes, great days do come. Every. Single.Time.

Also I said goodbye to Elder Brasileiro this week because he finished his mission. I cried like a baby. jaja. It felt like leaving friends and family at home again. I love Elder Brasileiro. Good man and great missionary. 

Sorry this is short today, but I'm playing volleyball... sorry not sorry!

Love y'all!

Elder Mackintosh

P.S.  Mom your blog is so awesome.  Everyday I get a lot of people that talk to me about it, jaja I love it!  You are the coolest mom.  

This roof top is awesome!

Saying goodbye to Johnny - moved back to Utah ):

William is still awesome.

Monday, March 20, 2017

"Dispute Not Because Ye See Not"

Hi Fam,

Wow it was a really great week! To cut to the chase, the reason behind my subject is because this week I was reading in Ether 12:6 and a line hit me profoundly. Normally the line that sticks out to me is...

"for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." 

But this week the line that comes before that line struck me in the heart which is...

"dispute not because ye see not 

I love this because it is my initial reaction every time that I talk to someone that is unsure about whether there is a God or not.  I’m not putting people down that don’t believe in God as I do because I believe that we have all had those questions at some point or another. But to me believing in God is as "duh" to me just as believing in air. I can't see air but it can be proven by other means that it obviously exists. I cannot see God but I know he is real because of the billions of ways that he has shown himself to me in my life. If you can't prove God to yourself using your eyes (which honestly just seeing the mountains in Utah is proof enough for me) try your other senses and try exercising faith. Try some prayer. You can come to know that he is real and that he loves you individually.

Besides that, I have thought a lot about relationships this week because I find myself feeling a deep love for the people of NYC and I find that interesting. We recently had a great lesson with one of our recent converts and I looked him in the eyes and the thought crossed my mind "3 months ago I didn't know that you exist but now I would do anything to help you out." That is amazing to me! Especially with the release of my family's video on  the churches website I have been thinking about relationships and love. Love really is the answer. Love one another. Really. That is what matters. The reason that we live the gospel is to improve our relationships with God as well as with those around us. Relationships are meant to last forever.

On a funny note, Elder Cottrell accidentally kicked a pigeon in the head this week. jaja. Don't worry, the pigeon was not injured.

Love you! Really.

Elder Mackintosh

Had a sweet tour of the United Nations today and I took a picture standing next to this piece of
 art because I know how much my mother love's this it! (me and my brothers and sisters give this picture to my mom for Christmas the year before my mission. A much smaller version of course.)

Went to pio pio for Elder Cottrell's birthday!

More Pio Pio. Julio came!

More Pio Pio (jaja) Brother Ray took us to Pio Pio, he's the best.

More pics from our United Nations tour today. 

 And one more pic on the United Nations tour. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Bring On The Snow!

Howdy hi,

The reason for the title of my email is because two weeks ago it was 70° here in Manhattan and now it is definitely NOT! (Jaja) Tomorrow it is supposed to snow, snow and snow some more and that is exciting because that means we will have more SERVICE opportunities.

This week I went to church with the question "How can I strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ?" When we got to church Elder Cottrell and I were asked to pass the sacrament and that got me thinking that I might not get my answer because normally my best pondering time at church is during the passing of the sacrament. I decided to not let that be the case and said a prayer telling Heavenly Father what was going on and that I still would really like to know the answer. It was cool because while we were passing the sacrament I found myself praying for those souls that were taking the sacrament and just really thinking about the people that I was passing the sacrament to and feeling a real genuine concern and love for them and their progression. And then it connected in my mind that THAT was the answer to my prayers - I need to focus on what I had focused on previously in my mission - Serving Other People. I know this is true because the time when I felt closest to the Savior was when I was consciously striving to think of others. Mosiah 2:17 is true!

Also this week I went on a split with Elder Brasileiro and that was sooooo fantastic. It felt like Poughkeepsie all over again when we were companions.

Also Also, while street contacting, Elder Cottrell called a girl a guy.  jaja Not good.   #StreetContactingFails 

Also Also Also, we give a lot of hugs every day. We try and give every guy (we can’t hug the ladies) we talk to a hug. People kinda think it's weird at first, but then you can often tell they needed it.  People of NY are fun.  Jaja  Honestly everyone needs a hug everyday.  

Have a great week.

Elder Mackintosh

Just like old times - with Elder Brasileiro

The Oculus and World Trade Center

 Brooklyn Bridge

This is how you smile when it is cold and the wind is blowing and
you are holding a 13 year old kid

Monday, March 6, 2017

Love One Another

Hey Hey,

Short week so not a ton to write but a couple of awesome things happened this week! We were big time blessed and 5 investigators were at church this week! It was so awesome and they all had a great experience. The cool thing is that two of them are Brazilians and Elder Cottrell speaks Portuguese! That just strengthens my testimony of our Heavenly Father loving his children.

Something great happened that inspired the subject of this email. We were walking home and started talking to some guys on the street. They weren't interested so we asked "Who do you know that we could help make smile tonight?" And he pointed at two guys on the corner.   So we walked across the street ready to introduce ourselves and they smiled and one looked at our tags and asked "What are you doing? Like, why are you here?" And so we both shared our testimonies about why we were on missions and why we were trying to help people. He said "That's great, I grew up Christian so I am just curious." I then asked him "So, why are you here?" He then went on to explain that the man with him is his boyfriend and he loves him more than anything in the world. Then he asked us "So how does that fit in with you and your beliefs?" Obviously seeking for us to be rude. Instead, we had a second of silence and then I just looked him in the eyes and said "We love you." The man instantly started crying and hugging us so tight while saying "Thank you so much for saying that. Thank you so much. I love you too." He hugged each of us 3 times and continued in sobbing and thanking us while also saying "I know who you are. I know who you are." It was a cool moment that really taught me a lot. We all have differences, but over all Jesus does teach us to love one another as he has loved us.

I love you all! I hope that you have the best week ever. Try a little harder, to show a little more love.

Elder Mackintosh

 Pday with the Dance Hippo


Thursday, March 2, 2017

NYC is Da Best

March 1, 2017


This week was awesome! I didn't think I mentioned last week that Pday would be Wednesday this week... oops. Next week it will be Monday again.

Something funny this week was that we met Michael Riedel aka the best critic on Broadway! He writes for NY times and he saw us on the street and thought that we were advertising for the Book of Mormon play! It took a lot before he believed that we were real Mormons. jaja. Elder Wilson even showed him his Utah driver’s license! He then took us to buy us drinks. He took us to  a fancy bar and grill place and we just stood there and talked and we had lemonade while he had wine. He loved, loved, loved us and actually offered to take us to see the Book of Mormon play on Broadway for free the next day and then he would write a story about it! Of course we had to say no but he gave us his info in case we ever are in town again and want to meet up. So that was pretty awesome. jaja. 

Also, Elder Gong of the presidency of the 70 was here this last week and that was amazing! I saw him Sunday night for a Devotional, then on Monday for zone conference, and then on Tuesday for mission leadership council. So three days in a row with a general authority and that adds up to a lot of learning. I went to shake his hand after the last time seeing him and we made eye contact for a couple seconds as I thanked him. He then turned, put his stuff down, turned again to look at me and said "you want to hug me" and I couldn't believe it! That was the exact thought that went through my head when I was looking him in the eye and shaking his hand. AND HE KNEW THAT! It was awesome. jaja hugs are awesome. 

As an update on other things missionary work, it is really going great! Every day has something new. Miracles are real. God still speaks to us. Life is awesome. We are happy missionaries. 

Love you all! I can't believe it is already march..

Elder Mackintosh

 This is Michael Riedel, the best critic on Broadway.  He is awesome!

 As you can tell by my face, Thanksgiving Point has better Dinosaurs than the Museum of Natural History. jaja. 

 I twisted my ankle.... jaja all is well. I can walk just fine 

Zone conference with Elder Cottrell!