Monday, March 6, 2017

Love One Another

Hey Hey,

Short week so not a ton to write but a couple of awesome things happened this week! We were big time blessed and 5 investigators were at church this week! It was so awesome and they all had a great experience. The cool thing is that two of them are Brazilians and Elder Cottrell speaks Portuguese! That just strengthens my testimony of our Heavenly Father loving his children.

Something great happened that inspired the subject of this email. We were walking home and started talking to some guys on the street. They weren't interested so we asked "Who do you know that we could help make smile tonight?" And he pointed at two guys on the corner.   So we walked across the street ready to introduce ourselves and they smiled and one looked at our tags and asked "What are you doing? Like, why are you here?" And so we both shared our testimonies about why we were on missions and why we were trying to help people. He said "That's great, I grew up Christian so I am just curious." I then asked him "So, why are you here?" He then went on to explain that the man with him is his boyfriend and he loves him more than anything in the world. Then he asked us "So how does that fit in with you and your beliefs?" Obviously seeking for us to be rude. Instead, we had a second of silence and then I just looked him in the eyes and said "We love you." The man instantly started crying and hugging us so tight while saying "Thank you so much for saying that. Thank you so much. I love you too." He hugged each of us 3 times and continued in sobbing and thanking us while also saying "I know who you are. I know who you are." It was a cool moment that really taught me a lot. We all have differences, but over all Jesus does teach us to love one another as he has loved us.

I love you all! I hope that you have the best week ever. Try a little harder, to show a little more love.

Elder Mackintosh

 Pday with the Dance Hippo


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