Monday, March 13, 2017

Bring On The Snow!

Howdy hi,

The reason for the title of my email is because two weeks ago it was 70° here in Manhattan and now it is definitely NOT! (Jaja) Tomorrow it is supposed to snow, snow and snow some more and that is exciting because that means we will have more SERVICE opportunities.

This week I went to church with the question "How can I strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ?" When we got to church Elder Cottrell and I were asked to pass the sacrament and that got me thinking that I might not get my answer because normally my best pondering time at church is during the passing of the sacrament. I decided to not let that be the case and said a prayer telling Heavenly Father what was going on and that I still would really like to know the answer. It was cool because while we were passing the sacrament I found myself praying for those souls that were taking the sacrament and just really thinking about the people that I was passing the sacrament to and feeling a real genuine concern and love for them and their progression. And then it connected in my mind that THAT was the answer to my prayers - I need to focus on what I had focused on previously in my mission - Serving Other People. I know this is true because the time when I felt closest to the Savior was when I was consciously striving to think of others. Mosiah 2:17 is true!

Also this week I went on a split with Elder Brasileiro and that was sooooo fantastic. It felt like Poughkeepsie all over again when we were companions.

Also Also, while street contacting, Elder Cottrell called a girl a guy.  jaja Not good.   #StreetContactingFails 

Also Also Also, we give a lot of hugs every day. We try and give every guy (we can’t hug the ladies) we talk to a hug. People kinda think it's weird at first, but then you can often tell they needed it.  People of NY are fun.  Jaja  Honestly everyone needs a hug everyday.  

Have a great week.

Elder Mackintosh

Just like old times - with Elder Brasileiro

The Oculus and World Trade Center

 Brooklyn Bridge

This is how you smile when it is cold and the wind is blowing and
you are holding a 13 year old kid

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